Hiking and mountain biking: discoveries guaranteed
Welcome to “Les Chemins d’Oc et Oïl”… Leaving from the Village Flottant, on foot or by mountain bike (mountain bikes can be rented on site), you will cross the Natura area, or the Sauzarines area, further south, and easily reach several 100% nature trails.
Village Flottant is situated at the junction of two natural regions: the Limousin and the Poitou. The paths around Village Flottant of Pressac display a great variety of landscapes. The signposting of the paths and the map at your disposal will allow you to plan your hike in the heart of a preserved countryside.
Bienvenue dans « Les Chemins d’Oc et Oïl »… En partant du Village Flottant, à pieds ou en VTT (location de VTT possible sur place), vous traverserez la zone Natura, ou celle des Sauzarines, plus au sud et rejoindrez aisément de multiples circuits 100 % nature.
Le Village Flottant est situé à la jonction de deux régions naturelles : le Limousin et le Poitou. Les sentiers autour du Village Flottant de Pressac montrent alors une grande variété de paysages. Le balisage des sentiers et le plan mis à votre disposition vous permettront de composer votre randonnée au cœur d’une campagne préservée.
Fauna and flora: in the heart of a Natura 2000-classified area
Located in an area of lakes, ponds and forests, the floating village is an exceptional observatory of the fauna and flora.
Around the pond, an educational trail is available to discover the local plants and animals. Who knows? You may even be lucky enough to come across deer, hares or a variety of birds such as mallards, teals, herons or wild swans.
Keep your eyes open !
A Nature Interpretation Centre is on display at “La Capitainerie”.